Dog FOOD and Exercise

How would you feel if you carried around four 20-pound bags of dog food all day? DOG TIRED! 2 years ago, I used to weigh 80 pounds more and that’s how I felt. Run down. Exhausted.

Now I feel marvelous. Did I take a quick-fix pill or follow a fad diet? No, I just ate less and exercised more. That’s the only thing that really works.

Now that Beth is off to England, I’m getting back to business. I have 30 more pounds to go. It’s time to get busy.

I’m tweaking my exercise routine.

-- Monday and Wednesday, I’m on the treadmill.
-- Tuesday and Thursday, I take Pilate’s. It’s not as tough as last fall. I’m improving … slowly. When we’re on the mats, I can even touch my feet to the floor above my head. Not bad for 55.
-- Then (weather permitting), I’m walking 4 miles a day on Saturday and Sunday.
-- I get Fridays off. (I LOVE FRIDAYS!)

I want to push myself further on the treadmill.
First 5 minutes … 15% incline … 3.7 mph
Second 5 minutes … 15% incline … 3.8 mph
Third 5 minutes … 14% incline … 3.9 mph
Fourth 5 minutes … 14% incline … 4 mph
Fifth minutes … 13% incline … 4.1 mph
Last 5 minutes … 13% incline … 4.2 mph

Not bad for someone who used to be ready to die at 3 mph on the flat.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

FINDING Resolution

It’s the resolution time of year … the season when every other commercial is on taxes, quitting smoking or (you guessed it) losing weight.
If you only need to drop a few pounds, it’s a good time to go for it. But for those people, like me, who allowed weight to become a real problem, you need more than a diet.

You need to change.

I’ve been trying to change for the past 2 years. In the process, I’ve lost 80 pounds and that’s good. But I wouldn’t say I have the problem licked.

My New Year’s Resolutions are
  1. to drop the remaining 30 pounds,
  2. to keep exercising,
  3. and to work on not eating unless I’m actually hungry … not bored, depressed or all the other emotional reasons I turn to food.

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