Dog FOOD and Exercise

How would you feel if you carried around four 20-pound bags of dog food all day? DOG TIRED! 2 years ago, I used to weigh 80 pounds more and that’s how I felt. Run down. Exhausted.

Now I feel marvelous. Did I take a quick-fix pill or follow a fad diet? No, I just ate less and exercised more. That’s the only thing that really works.

Now that Beth is off to England, I’m getting back to business. I have 30 more pounds to go. It’s time to get busy.

I’m tweaking my exercise routine.

-- Monday and Wednesday, I’m on the treadmill.
-- Tuesday and Thursday, I take Pilate’s. It’s not as tough as last fall. I’m improving … slowly. When we’re on the mats, I can even touch my feet to the floor above my head. Not bad for 55.
-- Then (weather permitting), I’m walking 4 miles a day on Saturday and Sunday.
-- I get Fridays off. (I LOVE FRIDAYS!)

I want to push myself further on the treadmill.
First 5 minutes … 15% incline … 3.7 mph
Second 5 minutes … 15% incline … 3.8 mph
Third 5 minutes … 14% incline … 3.9 mph
Fourth 5 minutes … 14% incline … 4 mph
Fifth minutes … 13% incline … 4.1 mph
Last 5 minutes … 13% incline … 4.2 mph

Not bad for someone who used to be ready to die at 3 mph on the flat.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Are FRIENDS and FAMILY Making You FAT? (part 1)

It’s not celebration without overeating. A social gathering in more fun if you indulge in junk food … at least seconds … maybe appetizers … especially dessert. I’m not saying this is how it OUGHT to be. But this is how I react, and it’s making it hard to keep losing

I started out 110 pounds overweight. Cutting back most of the time was all I needed to lose. Now it’s different. With these last 30 pounds, I need to be on task all the time. I’m having trouble with that.

Today is Michele’s 39th birthday. We celebrated at the Cellar. (Tradition in the sales department is the birthday girl picks the restaurant. The person with the last birthday buys her lunch.) All those wonderful Italian aromas started in the parking lot. Everybody else got calzones – spinach and artichoke or meatball, or pineapple, tomato and cheese. I was really hungry, but I’m trying to focuses on the calories. I had a salad with citrus dressing, but all I could smell was the calzones. Some people feel noble when they eat less than their friends, maybe even a little superior. I just feel like I didn’t do anything special.

Everyone has associations with food. One of mine is social eating. I keep trying to picture how I will celebrate when I hit goal. Visualize my success. My imagination inevitably shows me bringing treats to work or going out to dinner. Not a good idea.

Losing weight involves more than exercise and counting calories. I have to confront the reasons I over eat.

Quote for 9/30/09: Dogs

"Did you ever walk in a room and forget why you walked in? I think that's how dogs spend their lives." -- Sue Murphy

Wednesday Morning Weigh-In

I started changing my life in January of 2008. I weighed roughly 270 pounds.

Today, October 1, I weigh 194. I’ve lost a pound since last week.

My goal is 155 to 160. I have 34 to 39 pounds yet to lose.

Harvest: FALL on the FARM

The walls are down and the fields are naked.

Seasonal change in a rural area is more than summer, winter spring and fall. It’s planting, growth and harvest. In April, littered stalks are swept clean and plowed earth provides a fresh black floor. It’s a blank canvas waiting for the coming crop. In May, a green fuzz hovers over the fields and soon the rows are easy to distinguish. “Knee high by the Fourth of July” is outdated. Now, it’s waist high or better. As summer progresses, green walls rise, I have to stop at intersections where for 9 months a year, I can see cars a ½ mile away. Green turns to brown in late August. In late September, the walls come down and the fields undress for their winter nap.

This year, we had a wet, cool spring. Planters got stuck in the mud and the crop was planted late. Consequently, harvest is several weeks behind. This morning when I left the house, my neighbors were in the field. When I’ll come home, it will be empty. I’ll be able to see headlights on a road 2 miles away.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Quote for 9/29/09: Govenment Regulations

The Lord's Prayer is 66 words, the Gettysburg Address is 286 words, and there are 1,322 words in the Declaration of Independence, but government regulations on the sale of cabbage total 26,911 words. -From an article on the growth of federal regulations in the National Review

FUNNY Tuesday:Saving Calories

NEVER good about watching her weight, my mother was in the "on-again" phase of her "on-again, off-again" diet plan. She loves sweets.  One day, I caught her pouring chocolate syrup into a cup. "What are you doing?" I demanded.
"I'm saving calories," she insisted. "I'm eating it without the ice cream."

Monday, September 28, 2009

FAT Changes

I got my passport today. The new passport picture was on the post office counter next to my 2006 driver’s license. It looked like 2 different people. The license says 175 pounds, but I was closer to 250. My goal is not to be a liar anymore and tell the truth on my driver’s license.

My face isn’t the only thing that’s changed. I put on my size 22 jeans last week. I could get both legs in one side. I just couldn’t get the feet out the bottom, because they are tapered. I carry most of the remaining excess in my waist, so this picture isn’t as dramatic as I’d like.  Beth told me the baggy T-shirt didn't help.  I'm used to baggy clothes and uncomfortable with something that fits ... but I'm working on that.

There was a fire last week. The gal who lost her home, wears one of the sizes I used to. Anything that wasn’t already at Goodwill is going to her.

Monday's FAVORITE Website: Eat This, Not That

The average American eats out for 1 of every 5 meals. I'm a little less than that, but it depends. A diet that doesn't take restaurant food into account is denying a fact of modern life. Eat This, Not That, alerts you to calorie sinkholes and suggests alternatives. It’s a website, a book, an e-newsletter and a regular article in Men's Health.

Just a little ego moment: Two weeks ago, I talked about how the Taco Bell Taco Salad was very high in calories and sodium. They did it last week. Coincidence? OK, probably, but my ego is smiling.

Quote for 9/28/09: Jay Leno Last Week

"There are new security alerts issued to law enforcement agencies all across the country, because Al Qaeda is planning to attack vital economic centers. Well, good luck trying to find one of those. Luckily, Wall Street took care of them about a year ago, so we are safe." --Jay Leno

"President Obama was on six different TV shows pitching his healthcare plan over the last couple of days. You know the difference between Obama and the ShamWow guy? You can see the ShamWow guy on Fox." --Jay Leno

"Today's the first day of autumn, although Sarah Palin said today the dying leaves are because of Obama's healthcare plan." --Jay Leno

"And Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi was at the U.N. today. He talked forever. He talked on Israel and the swine flu and the JFK assassination. Where was Kanye West to grab the microphone away?" --Jay Leno

"And how awful is this? This book claims that John Edwards tried to calm his mistress down by promising to marry her, after his wife died, in a rooftop wedding ceremony in New York with the Dave Matthews Band as their wedding band. Really, Dave Matthews at the wedding for these two? Wouldn't Cheap Trick be more appropriate?" --Jay Leno

"Democratic Senator Max Baucus has introduced his healthcare plan which makes it mandatory for everyone to get health insurance. They would fine people who didn't get it, and if you don't pay the fine, you could go to jail. The good news is, once you're in jail -- free healthcare!" --Jay Leno

"According to a front page story in the 'LA Times,' the CIA is deploying teams of spies, analysts, and paramilitary operatives to Afghanistan as part of a broad intelligence search. They said this should catch the Taliban by surprise, unless they happen to see the front page of the 'LA Times.'" --Jay Leno

Quote for 9/27/09: Pidgeons

Rats with Wings -- London Mayor Ken Livingstone’s description of pigeons

Quote for 9/26/09: Thomas Jefferson on Over Eating

We never repent of having eaten too little. ~Thomas Jefferson, 1825

Friday, September 25, 2009

FACTS about Swine Flu

Aside from being a crappy way to lose 5 pounds, H1N1 has nothing to do with weight loss. But you folks know me, right? I meander off into non-diet territory all the time. A key to shedding your fat is getting interested in something besides food.

This week, our area got its first confirmed cases of swine flu, so the health department and I are working on an informational campaign. When I started in broadcasting back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, no one did things like this. They dumped it in the news guy's lap. But information like this is not breaking news. The news department might work it in ... once ... on a slow day. But people don’t remember things they're only told once. Advertising is better suited to deliver a repeated message. Obviously, it should be concise, interesting and change frequently to prevent monotony.

The family joke is that I know 30 to 60 seconds worth of information on a lot of stuff … but no more. I’ve learned about eye disease for an eye surgeon … credit unions … canvas awnings … siding, windows, sunrooms and gutters… tombstones … pharmacies … water softening … birth control … public transportation … tires … auto repair … assisted living … and today, I learned about the flu. The Centers for Disease Control do not write for real people. It has to be translated. Here are some interesting bits.

1) H1N1 and regular flu are different viruses. Apparently this confuses some people. They could have been combined in one shot, but the H1N1 was not ready in time. Consequently, you’ll need 2 vaccines, but you can get them at the same time.

2) The flu virus mutates, so 2008’s flu virus won’t be as effective in 2009. Some strains keep cropping up. Swine Flu or H1N1 last hit the scene in 1976. If you had it then, you MIGHT be immune this time … depending on how much it’s mutated. This is why health departments are more concerned about kids this year and less worried about the aging population. Pregnant women, people who live with or care for children younger than 6 months of age, healthcare and emergency personnel, young people between 6 months and 24 years and individuals with asthma, diabetes or heart disease are most at risk.

3) Kids under 9 will get 2 doses rather than 1. I have heard 2 explanations for this.
  • The doses will be ½ strength, because of their age
  • Their bodies metabolize the vaccine differently.

FRIDAY FOTOS: The End of Daisies and Sunflowers

Quote for 9/25/09: Horace on Excess

Clogged with yesterday's excess, the body drags the mind down with it. ~Horace

Thursday, September 24, 2009

As FAT Goes By (Play It Again, Sam)

There’s something to be said for insulation. At 270 pounds, I was rarely cold. I suspect I’ll have to bundle up this winter just like everyone else. It’s late September and I’m already chilly.

I ran out of diet lunches yesterday, so I walked to the pizza place down the block. I used to get their Rueben sandwich with potato chips all the time. Depending on the ingredients, it ranges from 600 to 900 calories. Yeah, I had to give that up. Fortunately, I like their spinach salad, too. They’d noticed my absence and how much less of me there is. “How did you lose all that weight?” I have a standard answer,” Eat less and exercise more. It’s boring, but it works.” Weight loss isn’t an action-packed adventure. It just lets you feel better.

My roommate in college lost a significant amount of weight. She’d always been fat. As her new body emerged, she noticed “growths” in odd places. That’s what she called them – “growths.” Worried, she called the doctor. She was feeling bones through her skin for the first time in her life.

I wasn’t a fat kid, but I have battled weight my whole adult life. Winning. Losing. Even winning at losing. Now as a slimmer body emerges from the fat, I am rediscovering my ribcage. I like it.

Thursday Double FEATURE Videos

NEW - Bill Maher on the Birthers:

CLASSIC - Obesiplan targets America's fastest growing diet plan -OBESITY:

Quote for 9/25/09: Sam Walton on the Recession

I heard there was a recession, but I decided not to participate. - Sam Walton

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Are You FAT Because You’re FAMISHED? (Part 2)

I used to weigh 270 pounds. No one is “hungry” enough to justify weighing that much. “Need” for food is not the reason you and I gain large amounts of weight. It’s all about DESIRE.

  • DESIRE for a huge steak because it makes you feel important … king of the hill.
  • DESIRE for ice cream because it means celebration and happiness … a reward, like “You got an A! Let’s get ice cream.”
  • DESIRE for big steaming baked potato, because it makes you feel like home … warm and comfortable.
These foods are not bad. And if they are occasionally used for more than nutrition, what’s the harm? It’s a quantity issue. If you have increased to an unhealthy weight, then it’s time to change. First, look at what you’re eating.

What have you eaten in the past 24 hours that nutritionally you didn’t need?
  • I had a latte between appointments this morning. At 100 calories, it’s better than the 400-calorie mochas that I love, but I still didn’t NEED it.
  • About 3 this afternoon, I’m going to break into my stash of 100-calorie packs. It’s better than the Snickers bar (M-m-m) I would have had in 2007. Even better than yesterday, when someone left half a bag of chocolate chip cookies in the break room. Every time I filled up my water bottle, I snagged a few. Amazing how thirsty I was yesterday.
  • And there’s the TV time snack. Clicking through the DVR burns 1 … maybe 2 calories. You don’t need to refuel. Yet we all do it. Last night at about 9, I had a sliced banana mixed with a 100-calories caramel pudding cup. You can make a case for the banana, but pudding is not a food group.
  • A note on meat: You do not NEED a 12 to 16 ounce steak. 3-ounces of lean hamburger is plenty, if all you are considering is nutrition.

Secondly, it’s time for a little introspection. WHY are you eating? If it’s just a bad habit, it can be changed. Create a new one. Every habit had a starting point. Or is it more than habit? Are you using food to make yourself feel better?

Change 1: I don’t think I can eliminate all non-nutritional eating. That’s just not reality. But I can change the frequency, choices and serving size of the DESIRED foods.

Change 2: Change whatever it is in your life that makes you turn to food to address those desires. Either find other ways to handle it or think about why you have the need in the first place. Food is not there to solve your (or my) problems.

Quote for 9/23/09: Mohandas Gandhi

There is more to life than increasing its speed.  - Mohandas Gandhi

Wednesday Morning Weigh-in

I started changing my life in January of 2008.  I weighed roughly 270 pounds.  By the end of 2008, I weighed 220.  2009 has been harder, but I am still working at it.  Today, September 23, I weigh 195.  Every Wednesay, I'm going to post my weight.  My goal is 155 to 160.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Have you noticed that the media just wears a story out? The most recent example is the murder of Annie Lee. I posted about it last week. My kids are in college, so the situation hit home. Thanks to good police work, they’ve arrested the guy. Until trial or a sudden change, there’s nothing else to report. But the media keeps milking it.

TV news reporters are expected to have fresh take on the stories 24/7. If you tell the news director, “nothing is going on,” that’s failure. Only after you and more importantly your competitors’ reporters have done a few pointless stories will news directors move on. This is just one of the reasons I love my DVR. Sick of hearing about Michael Jackson? Skip on to the next story.

Local radio news does much less of this. Because the whole newscast is only 5 minutes or less, they are ruthless about editing drivel. The exceptions, of course, are the news/talk windbags, like Rush Limbaugh.

I work for a group of 4 radio stations. The AM carries Rush. He’s an idiot. It doesn’t matter to me that he’s a conservative. On some topics, so am I … others not so much. What makes me angry is 1) he doesn’t do good research, 2) he’s nasty and 3) he beats a topic to death. The man is loud and dull. (Unlike rock and roll, which is loud and fun.) Even the Republican Party keeps its distance from him. Rush Limbaugh does NOT report news. It’s 3-hours of opinions based on an extremely narrow view and very few hard facts.

I believe in freedom of speech and freedom of the press … even for people I disagree with ... even for idiots … even for Rush. If everyone isn’t free, no one is. But I am sick of listening to him be hateful.

FUNNY Tuesday: The Coin Flip

Two overweight women were walking home from work, and they began talking about their schedule of activities for the evening. "I've got an idea" said one. "Let's flip a coin. If it lands on heads, we'll go get a cheeseburger. If it lands on tails, we'll go to get a pizza. And if it lands on its side, we'll go to the gym to work out.

Quote for 9/22/09: the FIRST Day of FALL

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. - Albert Camus

Monday, September 21, 2009

FAT Monday

Well, it’s Monday and I’m still not losing weight. I’d love to blame someone else ... really I would, but no one is at fault, but me. Beth came home this weekend. “Do you want pizza?” I said, “Sure.” She said, “How about some ice cream?” I said, “Sure.” I need to quit saying SURE. I’m a big girl. Heck, I’m her mom. I need to be tougher. She’s 20 and hikes all over campus. I’m 55 and sit at a computer. She can eat more, because she’ll burn it up.

And it isn’t just the weekends. I missed a day of exercise last week and could have made it up on Friday, but didn’t.

I have been mocha-free for the past couple of weeks. Love ‘em, but don’t need 400 empty calories. I thought Chai Lattes would be a yummy substitute ... but at 250 calories, maybe not.

I worked out that whole elaborate plan a couple of weeks ago. I’m doing fine with it until 8 or 9 at night. Compared to the way I used to snack when I weighted 270, I’m doing great. But if I want to weigh 150 or 160, it’s not good enough. Maybe if I did something while I watched TV, I would snack less?

Then, there’s the chili. In order to reduce salt intake for my blood pressure, I’ve been trying to eat less pre-packaged dishes and cook more. Prepackaged stuff has the calories all figured out. No math. (I don’t like to mess with math.) Plus you can’t have a little bit extra, because that’s all there is. To avoid the “extra” issue, I made a crockpot of chili, divided the servings up and froze them immediately. However, my math issues have caught up with me. I guess-timated and rounded off. It’s closer to 400 calories a serving rather than 300. That’d be fine if I wasn’t having 2 to 4 pieces of toast with it. I like toast, but I need to eat less of it.

To top it off, my boss is back from vacation this week and my blood pressure is up 10 points. Isn’t life fun?

Monday's FAVORITE Website: The Cynic Online Magazine

It's Monday.  I don't know about you, but my brain isn't turned on yet.  If you need something interesting to get your creative juices going, try

Quote for 9/21/09: Cats and Husbands

You know cats don't come when you call them...neither do husbands for that matter, but that's a whole ‘nother topic. from Cat Scratch Fever by Diane Steinbach – at

Friday, September 18, 2009

Quote for 9/20/09: Phyllis Diller on What Women Want

Women want men, careers, money, children, friends, luxury, comfort, independence, freedom, respect, love, and three-dollar pantyhose that won't run. -- Phyllis Diller

Quote for 9/19/09: Kirstie Alley on Getting FAT

The reason I went for Jenny Craig is I thought, Maybe I'm not the only one who has stupid reasons for getting fat. -- Kirstie Alley


I am Dilbert ... except that he knows more about computers ... and has a flat head ... and the whole being a guy thing.  But other than that, I am Dilbert. Our local paper doesn't carry it, so I get it on line at  Makes a great desktop picture.

FRIDAY FUNNY: Bacon Grease

Instead of the Friday Funny, I bring you this warning about cooking with bacon grease. Living as I do in a rural area, cooking with bacon grease is a pretty standard practice. There’s nothing better to fry eggs, pop corn or season beans. But I didn't know how dire the consequences could be. After reading this warning, I will never use it again. I hope you throw yours away today. It seems as though nothing is safe to eat anymore.

If you have ever eaten bacon grease, please read this alert.









FRIDAY FOTOS: End of Summer Flowers

FRIDAY Triple FEATURE Videos: Grandma Lee

If you missed Grandma Lee on America's Got Talent, here are the videos:


As I’ve mentioned before, it’s unlikely that I will completely give up fast food. It’s so convenient. But I am trying to choose what I order with care. Beth and I ate a lot of Taco Bell over the summer, so I thought I’d look over their menu and find out what the low calorie options were.

First, avoid their salads. Their Chicken Ranch Taco Salad has 960 calories and 1710 mgs of salt, while the Chipotle Steak Taco Salad comes in at 950 calories and 1760mgs of salt.

Originally I was looking for entrees under 350 calories, and had a page long list. Then, I added 2 additional criteria – less than 35% of daily sodium and roughly one third (or less) of calories from fat. That last one dramatically shrunk the list.

Here are FOUR Lo-Cal FAVORITES from Taco Bell:
  • GRILLED CHICKEN SOFT SHELL TACO – 200 calories – 32% of daily sodium – 70 calories from fat
  • SOFT TACO – BEEF – 210 calories – 31% of daily sodium – 80 calories from fat
  • SOFT TACO SUPREME® - BEEF – 240 calories –33% of daily sodium – 100 calories from fat
  • GORDITA SUPREME® - CHICKEN – 300 calories – 34% of daily sodium – 120 calories from fat
  • I got this information from

Eat this, Not That agrees with me. They listed a Taco Bell salad as the Worst Meal at the place. The Fiesta Taco Salad with Cheesy Fiesta Potatoes, and Large Mountain Dew has 1,690 calories, 60 g fat (14 g saturated fat, 3 g trans fats) and 2,540 mg sodium. The web site went on to say, “Grilled Stuffed Burritos, anything prepared with multiple ""layers"", and anything served in a bowl are your worst options at Taco Bell. Despite the chain's switch the trans fat-free frying oil in April of 2007, the taco salads still contain an unhealthy dose of this heart-threatening fat.” (See  for more.) If you're going to eat at Taco Bell, they recommend the following meal: two Grilled Steak Soft Tacos, Fresco Style Mexican Rice, and Medium Diet Pepsi. It has 430 calories, 12 g fat (3 g saturated fat) and 1,660 mg sodium. Personally, I’m trying to stay below that.

Last month, I did a post on McDonald’s. ( ) I did not include the percentage of calories from fat in the criteria, because I didn’t think of it then.  Eat This, Not That says the Chicken Selects® Premium Breast Strips (5 pc) with Creamy Ranch Sauce with Large French Fries, and Large Coke is the Worst McDonald’s Meal. It has 1,670 calories, 87 g fat (13 g saturated fat) and 2,370 mg sodium. Instead, they like the Quarter-Pounder without Cheese with a Side Salad with Low-Fat Balsamic Vinaigrette, and Large Iced Tea. It has 470 calories, 22 g fat (7 g saturated fat, 1 g trans fat) and 1,490 mg sodium. Find out more at

Quote for 9/18/09: Joey Adams on Being Witty

Of course, it's very easy to be witty tomorrow, after you get a chance to do some research and rehearse your ad-libs. -- Joey Adams

Thursday, September 17, 2009

FIASCO and the Bronze Balls of Hypocrisy

Last year, Goldman Sachs received a 12 billion lifeline from the U.S. government. After that, each of the firm's 443 partners pocketed an average Christmas bonus in the millions. According to CEO Lloyd Blankfein, "There is little justification for the payment of outsized discretionary compensation when a financial institution lost money for the year." Now lets see. Goldman Sachs received a government bail out, because they were having trouble, right? And then they gave out record setting bonuses, right? Hm-m-m. I nominate Lloyd Blankfein for the 2009 Bronze Balls of Hypocrisy Award.

In the second quarter of this year, the bank netted a record $3.44 billion and reports indicate that it may be shelling out a staggering $12 billion or so in bonus cash. I support bonuses for hard work, BUT I don’t think my tax dollars should finance a banker’s lavish life style.

Nowhere could I find a story about Goldman Sachs paying the government back. If they’d repaid the American taxpayer, then their bonuses are none of our business. Until then … I wish they had a product I could quit buying. As it is, the only weapon left to the American taxpayer is public mockery.

So I urge you to write your favorite late night comic. We want more Goldman Sachs jokes!

Interested in more:

Quote for 9/17/09 - Carrie Fisher on Diet Soda

After everything else fell or faded away – men, drugs, a world without physical exercise – all that remained for Suzanne was diet soda: loyal, steadfast, light, cool and apparently able to eat through tables and disintegrate teeth overnight in a single bound. – Carrie Fisher (The Best Awful)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Are You FAT Because You’re FAMISHED? Part One

Diet gurus from TV to the Internet promise that with their special plan you can loose weight and not be hungry. Adkins says that fat is more filling. The Full Plate Diet pushes fiber for the same reason. In the United States over the past month, 671,000 web pages have addressed hunger and dieting. I’ve lost 75 pounds over the last year and a half. I have a few thoughts on the subject.

If you buy your 2-year-old a toy every time you’re at the store, guess what? He’ll expect you to keep doing it. If you regularly overeat, the 2-year-old in your body will throw a tantrum, when you stop. So what? Drink a glass of water, iced tea, coffee or diet pop. Wait awhile. If that doesn’t work, eat a piece of fruit, carrot sticks or some kind of 100-calorie snack. Get busy. Do something else. Don’t be a drama queen and fixate on it. Move on.

What makes you lose weight is eating fewer calories than you need, so your body burns the stored calories. A little hunger means you’re succeeding. I don’t recommend radical diets. Most people (including me) can’t stick to them. Starving yourself for a week solves nothing. Cut back enough so you loose a pound a week or 5 a month. When it quits working, you’ve reached the even point. Then, cut a little more. The idea that you won’t occasionally be hungry is just silly.

I’m pretty disgusted by the diet industry’s empty promises, but why do they get away with it? Because we want something for nothing! We want to lose weight without sweat and without hunger. Talk about spoiled 2-year-olds.

Quote for 9/16/09: Variations on a Theme

Imprisoned in every fat man a thin one is wildly signalling to be let out. -- Cyril Connolly (The Unquiet Grave, 1944)

Outside every thin girl is a fat man trying to get in. -- Katharine Whitehorn

Outside every fat man there is an even fatter man trying to close in. -- Kingsley Amis (One Fat Englishman, 1963)