Dog FOOD and Exercise

How would you feel if you carried around four 20-pound bags of dog food all day? DOG TIRED! 2 years ago, I used to weigh 80 pounds more and that’s how I felt. Run down. Exhausted.

Now I feel marvelous. Did I take a quick-fix pill or follow a fad diet? No, I just ate less and exercised more. That’s the only thing that really works.

Now that Beth is off to England, I’m getting back to business. I have 30 more pounds to go. It’s time to get busy.

I’m tweaking my exercise routine.

-- Monday and Wednesday, I’m on the treadmill.
-- Tuesday and Thursday, I take Pilate’s. It’s not as tough as last fall. I’m improving … slowly. When we’re on the mats, I can even touch my feet to the floor above my head. Not bad for 55.
-- Then (weather permitting), I’m walking 4 miles a day on Saturday and Sunday.
-- I get Fridays off. (I LOVE FRIDAYS!)

I want to push myself further on the treadmill.
First 5 minutes … 15% incline … 3.7 mph
Second 5 minutes … 15% incline … 3.8 mph
Third 5 minutes … 14% incline … 3.9 mph
Fourth 5 minutes … 14% incline … 4 mph
Fifth minutes … 13% incline … 4.1 mph
Last 5 minutes … 13% incline … 4.2 mph

Not bad for someone who used to be ready to die at 3 mph on the flat.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Why Was I FAT?

No one is hungry enough to justify weighing 270. I know. That’s what I used to weigh. What got me there was not hunger.

The FTO-gene did not make me fat. I may or may not have it, but that’s not the reason I was 3-figures over a healthy weight.

I was not fat because I have big bones. As it turns out, I have the bone structure of a 6-foot tall man, but that doesn’t justify weighing 270 pounds. Even the 6 foot tall guy would be unhealthy at that poundage.

I was fat because I ate more than I needed and then sat on my butt. Period.

I’m not losing weight, so I can look like a model. That would require a nose job and a magic potion to rinse away 35 years. Besides, who cares? I love how much better I feel without the extra weight. I need to keep that.

So the question is why? Why did I eat more than I need? Why do I still? Why do you?

1. It feels good. Eating is an enjoyable experience. The taste … the smell … the warm feeling, yeah eating is a sensory experience.

2. Food is cheap. When you have no money for other indulgences, you can always afford brownie mix.

3. If you’re lonely, you associate plentiful food with good times … family get-togethers, celebrations.

4. If you’re tired, you associate food with recharging. Instead, you may need more sleep or less stress.

5. Orally fidgeting. Rather than take a cigarette break, you hit the candy machine. You want a 5-minute escape, and food is an excuse.

6. A sugary snack will make you feel good for a few minutes. It’s am emotionally soothing pick-me-up.

7. If you think of others, let me know. I’m happy to ad to the list.

This is one of the things I have to deal with … not only undoing the weight I’ve put on … but controlling why I did it. Otherwise, I’ll end up here again in a few years. Look at Oprah. A lot of people lose weight to gain it back. I have, although never this much.

Fat is just a symptom. I need to address the problem.

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